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Informational flyer for "Winners' Camp Adult Summer Camp" focusing on health and wellness workouts, featuring Kathy Hair, Pastor Tai, and Chinyere Sam. Join us in Tampa, FL on July 11, 2024, from 7-9 PM to power up your wellbeing during Week 3 of our series!

Adult Summer Camp – Week 4: Health & Wellness Workout

🎉 Get ready for the hottest ticket in Tampa this summer – Adult Summer Camp is back, and it’s bigger and better than ever, from June 13th to July 25th! 🌞

Join us at Winners’ Resource Center for six weeks of learning, laughter, and fun! Whether you’re a seasoned camper or a first-timer, our action-packed lineup of activities has something for everyone.

💪 Week 4: Health & Wellness Workout – This no-sweat session will bring our fitness and food gurus together as we dive into the world of health and wellness. Get ready to feel empowered and on the road to feeling energized!

Event Details

  • Date: July 11
  • Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


  • Name: Winners’ Resource Center


Winners’ Worship Center
9309 N Florida Ave Suite 104
Tampa, FL 33612 United States
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